Tag Archives: BluejayNest

Seven Eight Nine

When the new millenia turned, so did I.

The seventh born in my generation – the seventh in my line.

But it wasn’t seven I first found solace in.

Numbers aren’t important to my family, because patterns carry more weight.

And so when the first year past in calamity, I found my strength in blocks of eight.

And eight and sixteen and twenty-four went

(by way of rescued feral cats and innocence spent).

But the bindings I divined later in life always spit back knots clotted by nines.

“First to call, third on wish, fifth by design…”

Seven – bound to my blood.

Eight – bound to my heart.

Nine – bound to my line –

Nine knots in a golden thread, stretched twixt twisted hands colored by dead men’s dread…

And, like the nature of the spells I wove, I was entangled in its dreamlike webs…

And now, 21 years after that first call, I’m reminded of little lost time ‐ a vignette of my child self, posing as a nymph, wishing sly little witz to the mirror of my pool, dipping fingers in to see the cool ripples toss at its loamy brine:

“Why was Six afraid of Seven?” I asked.

Happy Seventh Anniversary to the Denizens of the Nest.

The bird is soon to return to rest

Of Heights and Hiatus

Hey there, Bored Folk! Bluejay here with a quick feather.

Some things have come up below the nest and I’ve got to fly away for several months. I am unsure if they’ll have internet or power at the summit I’m headed to. If they don’t, this may be the last you read of me until well after April of 2021.

If you’ve been resting here for a while, you might be twittering, “Why Bluejay, haven’t you turned over a sober leaf? At the rate you were going, I was certain you’d never miss a day! And now you’re flapping off into the wild blue yonder with little more than a ta-ta?!”

Aye, Friend. I had a mind to post nary every day if I could, but life has a bothersome habit of getting into one’s flightpath. Such as it is.

Rest assured I shall be back as soon as the winds favor me, and the words that shall pour forth will rival a verb-storm!

Until then, beautiful worm-eating kindred:

Be safe, be kind, and fly high.
