R: Enough to be Saved or Go Mad

“Oh, you’ve got a natural talent!”

“Even your drafts are works of art!”

Fuck, after twenty years?

Old habits die hard.

Honey had a rain machine

that washed away his fears.

Funny thing about fake rain

it doesn’t hide your tears.

Every raid he left for

left me wishing he’d not return

and every kiss that smoldered

couldn’t quite heal the old burn.

Now, I thank him for the pain

that helped me rearrange

how I see certain blood stains

that forced my life to change–!



my way

putting words



and wishing every night on my star!

That one day, my tears and his rain…

would happen o’er mountains, far…

Fuck… after a couple years

it still seems

old habits



Oh, I’ve got a little talent…

It’s like my words could be works of art.

Lay an Egg